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I Am Aria was was founded in 2018 by L. B. Anne (Pseudonym), an author, mentor, and mental health advocate.


But what does I Am Aria mean?


​Aria is the main character of L. B. Anne's Everfall book series. 

In book one, Before I Let Go,  thirteen-year-old Aria is bullied and battling depression and suicidal thoughts. An angel gives her a chance at saving her life. It's a story of faith and hope.


We've found that there are many Arias' out there. L. B. Anne was an Aria. Many of the events in the novel happened to her, and much more. 


​We are not therapists. 


​We are an afterschool and summer program that teaches writing (those in the program for a year get to publish their stories in an anthology), art, musical instruments, and golf to help reduce the stress, anxiety, and depression affecting our youth.

We teach children to express themselves through writing, journaling, art, and music. 

Our Mission

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a world where every child, pre-teen, and teen feels valued and supported, where mental health is openly discussed, and where suicide is no longer an option. We strive to empower young people with the tools and resources they need to overcome depression and find hope, happiness, and fulfillment in life.


We are a group of passionate people dedicated to making a difference in the lives of those dealing with depression. 


The blog posts featured on I Am Aria are authored by those who’ve been affected by depression themselves or through family, friends, or vocation. We understand the journey firsthand and how it affects our lives and the lives of loved ones. We want to be there for you.

Learning From Home

Why Creativity?

Being creative can increase positive emotions, reduce depressive symptoms and anxiety, and improve the function of our immune systems. The Journal of Positive Psychology supports these findings, stating that “spending time on creative goals during the day is associated with higher activated positive affect.” Positive affect refers to positive moods people experience including joy, happiness, and optimism.


Expressing ourselves through creative and artistic activities can help to relieve stress and anxiety, and lessen shame, anger, and depression after experiencing a traumatic event.


“Using our creativity, we can also practice releasing and letting go of what could potentially become toxic to our mind, heart, soul, and body,” says Kim Nguyen, Clinician at Diversus Health. “Whether it’s through written words, physical or artistic movements such as interpretive dance along with our favorite melodies, splattered watercolor paints, pour acrylic paints, intuitive drawings and/or repeat patterns with Zentangle…etc.; all of these techniques help us to access the powerful tool of our mind – the imagination to heal ourselves.”


Creativity can help us become focused with optimal attention on a task or activity. This is sometimes called being “in the zone.” When we are in the zone, it can feel euphoric, and we become more mindful and relaxed.


Thus,  creativity allows us to feel more positive and cultivates a sense of accomplishment.


We need your support today and much more!

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